Humor Sapiens Bulletin, April 2024

Humor Sapiens Bulletin, April 2024

Definición de humor gráfico

Sabemos que existen muchas definiciones. Demostremos con ejemplos que hemos recopilado:

1- “Humor gráfico es un neologismo con el que se designa a una gama diversa de obras gráficas realizadas para la prensa”. (Esta es la definición de Wikipedia).

2- “Humor gráfico es un género periodístico que es capaz de expresar un compromiso cívico a través del ingenio y la creatividad, pretendiendo contribuir a la reflexión y a la acción en torno a un tema o personaje de interés público” (Universidad de Málaga).

3- "Un chiste gráfico es una propuesta humorística consistente en una pequeña ilustración, acompañada o no de un texto breve. También se denomina viñeta". (Esta es la definición de La Real Academia Española).

Y para demostrar aún más los numerosos intentos de definiciones de un concepto tan subjetivo (como todo en el arte), expondremos también aquí la tesis de Humor Sapiens...

Interview With Ariel TARICO

Hay un humorista argentino que conozco y sigo. Me impresiona su chispa y agudeza. Ya lo entrevisté hace unos años. Es un honor hacer este “bis a vis” con Ariel Tarico (Santa Fe, 1984). Él es actor, locutor, caricaturista, humorista e imitador. Ha obtenido unos cuantos premios y distinciones como Cuatro Martín Fierro, Premios Carlos, Premios VOS y Premios Magazine, tanto por sus labores, teatrales como radiales.

Sin dudas, un orgullo para nuestro gremio... 
Growing old with humor | René Bouschet (France)

On this occasion we return to France to speak with René Bouschet, who, now retired, remains unstoppable in the production of humor. René Bouschet known as “Erby Kézako” or “R*B”.... 76 years old - French cartoonist - Citizen of the world

René, does humor also age with artists?

René Bouschet - I am one of those who think, like the American General Douglas MacArthur, that: “Youth is a state of mind”…. So I hope to die in front of my plotting table with an electronic pen in my hand... ;-)  

Visual humor: New digital magazine of graphic humor "Frente Viñetista"

Spanish graphic humorists are in luck with the appearance of number 1 of the Frente Viñetista Magazine , which fills an important gap: promoting graphic humor and dignifying the profession, and which will allow access and acquisition of works by renowned artists, discovering new values ​​and having first-hand information about what is happening in the visual world, such as learning about the exhibitions that are held, and participating or hiring initiation workshops in drawing and caricature... 

Humors of the world - World of humors | Italy | Mariagrazia "Gio" Durante

Historically, there is no doubt that France and Great Britain, with their artists and their press, were the main promoters of what is today known as editorial caricaturism, the satirical caricature of the press. This does not detract from the pioneering role of Italy and its artists in the genesis of the art of caricature. Without forgetting the Carraci brothers (Aníbal and Agostino - 17th century) who developed the "divertienti" of "caricare" or facies, to find the essence of beauty and reality in the contrast of exaggerations,... 

Oh, humor, oh humor | Humor and politics

Is it possible to marry humor and politics? Can they be life (or, better, play) companions? At first glance, it seems not. They are two fields, supposedly, very distant, even antithetical. Few things could occur to us that are more distant from humor than politics. And this for two reasons. The first, due to the prevailing (and quite wrong) view that politics is a very serious thing and humor, on the contrary, is something frivolous. The second, due to the perception (more adjusted to reality) of politics as unfriendly, boring and sometimes even repugnant, truly at the antipodes of humor. However, the answer to the question has to be yes...

Humor and Literature

Romances feature idealized, exaggerated worlds with plots centered on what Joseph Campbell called "The Journey." The trip does not have to be literal, but it should incorporate some psychological distancing from family or authority figures. Archetypal figures that play a role in travel stories include...

- April 8, 2018, Chuck McCann, American stage comedian and audiovisual comedian, dies

Milestones in the History of Humor
Review : It is a buff bullfighting spectacle. Its founder was Carmelo Tusquellas. Popular in the bullrings of the Iberian Peninsula and he also took this modality to France, Belgium and America. To act, he dressed as “Charlot”, Charles Chaplin's character, hence the name “Charlotada”. This term, by extension, also defined a ridiculous public performance, a grotesque spectacle.

Data : Tusquellas (1898—1967), debuted as a comic bullfighter in 1916 and the following year he began to exploit the figure of Charlot.

"Humor is the antidote to any fanaticism." (Emilio Early)


Humor Sapiens Locker
Here you will find the latest magazines, magazines, newsletters, supplements and a large part of the humorous periodicals published in the world of graphic humor. (Read more > )

We received an invitation: Master Conference "Retire with humor", by Jesús Damián Fernández Solís
The Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital will have the honor of receiving Jesús Damián Fernández Solís, who will speak on "Retiring with Humor", as part of the tribute that the HUPA pays to its retired workers. (Read more > )

We received an invitation from Cartooning for Peace
An invitation to publicize the case of the Ugandan cartoonist Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, because he has received death threats after launching an anti-corruption campaign on X (formerly Twitter) - #UgandaParliamentExhibition - calling Parliament to account. (Read more > )

New call to present humorous plays
The Secretary of Culture of the City of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, under the sponsorship of ARGENTORES, launches the eighth national call for humorous plays for the Festival of the Zygomaticus Major VIII. (Read more > )

We received an invitation: Exhibition "Beyond the Gorda of the Galaxies"
The General Director of the FGUA, and on her behalf the Director of Audiovisual Arts of the IQH, have the honor of inviting you to the opening of the exhibition of the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humor, by Nicolás Martínez Cerezo. (Read more > )

XXXII edition of the Jara Carrillo International Poetry and Humor Story Contest
The deadline to participate in the XXXII edition of the Jara Carrillo International Poetry and Humor Story Contest is open until July 7 and the rules can be consulted on the Alcantarilla City Council website. (Read more > )

Laughing at your boss's stupid jokes harms your health and work
Fun bosses can lighten a serious meeting or lighten the mood, but a new study has found that playing too many jokes can harm the well-being of employees.  (Read more > )

Sense of humor in "genius" children
Experts and associations specializing in high abilities point out the sense of humor among the most recurrent characteristics in children with high intellectual abilities, a sense of humor that is also usually particular.  (Read more > )

Humor styles and online trolling
Research published in PLOS One has identified a significant link between dark personality traits such as sadism, as well as psychopathy, the tendency to engage in online trolling, and styles of humor.  (Read more > )

Do babies only laugh when they are happy?
In the world of parenting, a baby's laughter is considered one of the most contagious and comforting expressions. However, what is really behind those seemingly innocent giggles?  (Read more >


Popular festivals

Garlic Festival

Date: July 24
Location: California
Country: United States

Humor Sapiens Gallery
"Dante, divine poet" | Gio | Italian graphic comedian

Recommended Video
Humor Sapiens Contest in "THE HUMOR REVIEW". March 2024

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