Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (March 13, 2024)

Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (March 13, 2024)

GRAPHIC HUMOR NEWS (updated daily)

Picasso Protagonist Exhibition. Cartoons in Contemporary Spanish Comics
Picasso exhibition protagonist. Cartoons in contemporary Spanish comics

Afundación, the Social Work of ABANCA, presents in A Coruña, at its headquarters in Cantón Grande, 8, the exhibition Picasso protagonist. Cartoons in contemporary Spanish comics, an original look at the figure and work of this universal artist, in the year in which the fiftieth anniversary of his death is commemorated. The exhibition, curated by the comic specialist Asier Mensuro, pays tribute to one of the key artists of the 20th century avant-garde and icon of modernity through an original tour of more than 170 pieces, many of them conceived expressly for this exposure. The exhibition can be visited until next May 25, from Monday to Friday from 5:30 p.m.

Fany Blog - Let's save Assange
Let's save Assange!

The German Chancellor breaks the silence of European leaders and stands against the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. While we await the decision of the British justice system (the last hearing was held on February 21st) for Olaf Scholz "it would be good if the British courts guaranteed him the necessary protection, because he must actually expect persecution in the United States, considering the fact that he betrayed American state secrets . " The British High Court will have to decide whether or not the founder of Wikileaks should be extradited to the United States, where he will be tried for the dissemination of classified documents on American military activities: Assange, who has been locked up in London's Belmarsh maximum security prison since 2019 , risks up to 175 years in prison in the US. In recent weeks two UN experts – one with expertise in freedom of expression and the other in the prevention of torture – have urged the UK not to extradite Assange.

Elevate Your Drawing
3 Basic Shading Techniques to Elevate Your Drawings
When creating a drawing, there are various methods one can use to create volume or light and shadow. This includes several different shading techniques outlined in My Modern Met Academy's beginner course, Drawing 101: Learn the Building Blocks of Sketching. In this online class, illustrator Margherita Cole equips students with everything they need to know to embark on their sketching journey. And this includes several different shading techniques.

Foto Humor
 Sofá público. / ©Francisco Puñal Suárez.

Graphic humor, with almost three centuries behind it, is today an expressive and communicative art of the first order, which MUNDIARIO brings to its home page with the help of Francisco Puñal Suárez.

Humor Sapiens Interviews Manuel Arriaga, Spanish Cartoonist
Manuel Arriaga, dibujante español. / Arcihvo del autor.

The award-winning Spanish cartoonist and collaborator of the Humor section of MUNDIARIO talks with the writer and humorist Pepe Pelayo.

For another month, the digital newsletter Humor Sapiens, produced in Chile, with international collaborators, edited in Spanish and English, and directed by Pepe Pelayo, delivers to all readers who are interested in the latest news in graphic humor, the theory of humor, investigations, news and essays, which make it a source of information of indisputable value.

The Caticature of the Day
Antonio MEDINA
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This content by Cartoons Turkey produced
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