Humor Sapiens Bulletin, January 2024

Humor Sapiens Bulletin, January 2024

It is traditional that at the beginning of each year many people make a list of the things they want to change, the things they plan to do, what they would like to happen in their lives in these next 365 days. Humor Sapiens respects this custom and makes a wish for all friends, colleagues, loyal followers, those who already visit us very or infrequently and those who will visit our site for the first time in this year 2024. It is only one wish: that everyone Let's stimulate and develop our sense of humor more, because of the enormous benefits it produces for us.

But first let's see what the definition of a sense of humor is (according to the Humor Sapiens Theory). To do this, it is necessary to first investigate the definition of "sense." This is the capacity or faculty that certain organisms have to perceive what surrounds them or their own body through stimuli and sensations. The sense of humor, although it is not a primary sense, since it depends on others for its perception, nor does it have specialized organs, shares the essence of the definition...

Interview with Stella Peralta

By Pepe Pelayo
(Writer, comedian and student of the theory and application of humor).

Humor is fine content of humorous thought

Stella Peralta is Colombian, but that is not the reason she joins us today. So I must start better: Stella Peralta is a caricaturist, cartoonist, illustrator, painter, she has won international awards with her excellent work. Plenty of reasons to be on this site dedicated to humor. So, having mentioned those important details of yours, I welcome this great artist to Humor Sapiens...


Growing old with humor | Eugene Saint Pierre de Nieubourg (Italy)

By Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa
(Historian, writer and graphic humor specialist)

On this journey of getting to know older graphic comedians and how they live this new experience of age, we now travel to Italy to talk to the octogenarian (Genova 1939) and ask him the usual questions: Does the cartoonist also age? Where do physical disabilities interfere with your work? Can you overcome these disadvantages with new techniques, with alternative instruments that recreate your personal characteristics?...


Visual Humor: Román Montesinos and his Overflowing Imagination

By Francisco Puñal Suárez
(Journalist, photographer, scholar and promoter of humor).

It was in 2009 that I was able to enjoy for the first time the visual metaphors of the Galician photographer Román Montesinos, with his exhibition “This war does not prosper”, at the Alexandre Bóveda Association, in A Coruña. From that exhibition I became a faithful follower of his work. The exhibition presented unusual compositions and images that, with an artistic, provocative and challenging symbiosis between different objects and symbols, combined a biting irony.


Humors of the World - World of Humors |  Pakistan - Fundamentalisms

By Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa
(Historian, writer and graphic humor specialist)

There are Muslim sectors that claim that the Koran prohibits the act of drawing people and animals, which is why statues, paintings and caricatures are vandalized, in the same way that their creators are targets of attacks by Islamic extremists. An increasingly fanatical and intolerant country is Pakistan, dominated by fear of small groups of the Taliban and other fundamentalist factions...


Humors of the World - World of Humors |  Pakistan - Fundamentalisms

By Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa
(Historian, writer and graphic humor specialist)

There are Muslim sectors that claim that the Koran prohibits the act of drawing people and animals, which is why statues, paintings and caricatures are vandalized, in the same way that their creators are targets of attacks by Islamic extremists. An increasingly fanatical and intolerant country is Pakistan, dominated by fear of small groups of the Taliban and other fundamentalist factions...


Stand Up Comedy

By Don L.F. Nilsen
(Assistant Dean. Humanities Division. Emeritus College. Arizona State University.

Stand-up comedy has a long history. During the Renaissance, royal jesters were chosen by the king, and he chose people who looked ridiculous; They had bulging eyes, a hunched back, were short and often deformed. They wore motley (mismatched) clothing, and also wore caps and bells, and carried fake scepters with heads on the ends so they could talk to the scepters and not directly to the king.


January Anniversaries


Milestones in the History of Humor

Theory Summary: Part of the basis of laughter involves the intention to correct the asocial individual. It could be defined as a type of punishment whose purpose would be none other than to provoke a change of attitude in the individual; From this perspective, laughing at someone would be a form of teaching. According to this position, laughter is a social gesture, through which the community itself punishes all rigidity.

Creator : Ben Jonson (1572—1637), English playwright.

"The truly witty person tells jokes to make others feel superior; while the pseudo-witty person makes jokes to make others feel inferior."

Elmer Wheeler



Stella PERALTA, (Colonbia)

This content by Cartoons Turkey produced
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