Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (22.12.2023)

Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (22.12.2023)

Graphic humor news (updated daily)

Dalcio Machado, outstanding creator of personal caricatures

Internationally awarded in numerous graphic humor contests, with more than 120 awards, this Brazilian cartoonist and illustrator is an artistic marvel for his ability to observe, his meticulous lines and for capturing the “soul” of the caricatured character. His career as a cartoonist is always on the rise.

Mario Barros, and his humorous collages

OBDU MEETS CC is the first virtual expo of Obdulio Duparol's satirical photomontages, better known as Obdulio's Takes. The Takes were born in September 2021 and appear regularly on social networks and the occasional online publication. With Takes Obdulio laughs at the everyday absurdity using the technological resources of these times. And in these absurd times the name of this expo had to be absurd too. So don't look for cubic centimeters in the title. A hint: review the Roman numerals.

20 Pencil Drawing Ideas

There's a lot that goes into making art. Paint, brushes, pastels, and markers are just some of the materials that creatives will have in their studio. However, you don't need to go on a shopping spree to dip your toes into drawing. With just a pencil and some paper, you can start honing your skills—one sketch at a time.

Catálogo de Free Palestina 

An exhibition on Free Palestine with drawings in collaboration with the Union of World Cartoonists (UWC) and the Religious Foundation of Turkey (TDV).



Australian photographer Tony Hewitt and Canadian photographer Blake Randall won the top prizes at the 2023 International Landscape Photographer of the Year contest. Hewitt was named Landscape Photographer of the Year for his impressive portfolio, while Blake's single image of birch trees casting a reflection in the water was deemed the most impressive photo of the entire competition.

New Year's Eve Postcards: for a different 2024, with more humor

The end of 2023 is coming and very soon we will be at the gates of 2024.

New challenges begin to be met, with enthusiasm and hope, in a future that we hope will be better, with peace and tranquility in a world where wars, unemployment, social cuts, the death of children due to lack of medicines, the proliferation of weapons, censorship, “political correctness”, discrimination, consumerism, climate change, violence, selfishness, injustice, authoritarian governments...

his content by Cartoons Turkey produced
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