Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (November 29, 2023)

Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (November 29, 2023)

Graphic Humor News (updated daily)

Biennial of Humor in Art, Tolentino, Italy - Prize Winners

The city award went to Bahman Jalali Nokandeh, from Iran, and the personal caricature award was shared between the Peruvian Omar Zevallos and the Basque Iván Mata.

Works from the Biennial of Humor in Art, Tolentino, Italy

Fany Blog - No to sexist violence

Elena Cecchettin's letter: «The "monsters" are not sick, they are healthy children of the patriarchy»
by Elena Cecchettin
The letter from Giulia Cecchettin's sister to the Corriere. From the very first hours Elena took a stand so that the tragedy could be food for thought on gender violence
Turetta is often defined as a monster, but he is not a monster. A monster is an exception, a person external to society, a person for whom society must not take responsibility. And yet there is responsibility. The "monsters" are not sick, they are healthy children of patriarchy, of rape culture. Rape culture is what legitimizes any behavior that harms the figure of women, starting from things that sometimes aren't even given importance but which are certainly important, such as control, possessiveness, catcalling. Every man is privileged by this culture.

Fábrica del Humor - Instituto Quevedo del Humor - Expo de Picasso

From November 22 to December 23, the Humor Factory will host the exhibition “El Guernica, the universal cartoon. "Graphic humor in the dark."

A little more than a month was the time that Picasso spent painting Guernica. From then on, it became a symbol of the fight against war. Against all types of wars, and against all types of violence, on the one hand, and on the other, in one of the most important cultural symbols of Spain.

Painting Ideas (English)

When it comes to painting, everyone starts out on an even playing field—those that paint well have built their skills over time. Doing so, however, requires patience, and for you to put brush to canvas (or paper) and increase your aptitude stroke by stroke. We’ve seen this happen in a drawing; just a few years of drawing practice can mean the difference between a sketch that’s just okay and one that shows extraordinary talent.

Drawings Ideas (English)

Practice is a vital part of perfecting your drawing skills. Learning the basics and repeating them over and over again is the only way to improve. For proof, just check out what a few years of drawing practice can do. It’s truly incredible the progress that you can make by dedicating time to this pursuit. Those who do have gone from scrawling simple figure sketches to fully-rendered portraits in seemingly no time.

Foto Humor
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

This Australian photographer won the most fun and popular photography contest in the world, with an image of a kangaroo “playing” a guitar in the air.

Photo Humor - Benefactor

Graphic humor, with almost three centuries behind it, is today an expressive and communicative art of the first order, which MUNDIARIO brings to its home page with the help of Francisco Puñal Suárez.

Humores visuales - Mis primeras fotos en A Coruña

It was my investigations into the presence of humor in the work of various plastic artists: sculptors, photographers, painters, draftsmen, which motivated me to write the section on “Visual Humors”, which is part of the content of the Humorsapiens Bulletin, a monthly magazine, which has become required reading for creators, researchers, essayists and readers interested in graphic humor.

Filming in Latin America Festival, Geneva, Switzerland. Two Peruvian films awarded

This contest, held in the city of Geneva, Switzerland, attracted a record audience of 24,700 spectators.



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