Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (28.09.2023)

Short News Tour on Humor, Caricature and Art (28.09.2023)

GRAPHIC HUMOR NEWS (updated daily)

BUDUAR 89 - Italia

Tribute to Fernando Botero
Botero was born in Medellín, Colombia, in 1932. Upon losing his father at age 4, his uncle took his family under his wing. Eventually, he signed up young Botero to a bullfighting school, only to realize he had a better time drawing the bulls than fighting them. His earliest artistic influences were Mexican muralism and cubism, of which he appreciated the sweeping dramatic aspects. One of his earliest jobs was producing illustrations for a local newspaper, which allowed him to pay his tuition. >>

Gallery of caricatures dedicated to Botero
With his work, forever recognizable, Fernando Botero, known as the painter and sculptor of voluptuous, exaggerated and rounded figures, was able to reach audiences around the world, revolutionizing access to culture. >>

XXX Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor / Instituto Quevedo del Humor, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
A new edition of the International Exhibition of the Arts of Humor (MIAH), organized by the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humor of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, in collaboration with the Alcalá de Henares City Council, is now open in the Old Hospital of Santa María La Rica, rehabilitated as a cultural reference center.

In this edition, the Exhibition addresses the role of women in achieving their rights and freedoms, in a social and political context like the current one. >>

"Paths of Freedom" Competition, Mexico - Prize Winners

11 Famous Hispanic Painters
Throughout the history of art, Hispanic artists have carved an important position as trailblazers. Unafraid to take risks, they often incorporate symbols and techniques that recall their native cultures. Beyond this, many of the most famous Hispanic artists also use their creativity as a platform to discuss political and social upheaval in an effort to affect change and inspire national pride. >>

Start Drawing Today
Drawing is a satisfying creative outlet. Whether you just like doodling or enjoy creating portraits, there is something for everyone. But if you are new to drawing, you might wonder what tools you'll need to start. Luckily, My Modern Met writer Margherita Cole is also a talented illustrator, and she's here to help. In her online drawing course, Drawing 101: Learn the Building Blocks of Sketching, she not only demonstrates how to draw a wide variety of subjects, but she also shares what tools work best. >>

Urziceni, Romania - Deadline: November 20, 2023

Cartoon Contests

Photo mood
Graphic humor, with almost three centuries behind it, is today an expressive and communicative art of the first order, which MUNDIARIO brings to its home page with the help of Francisco Puñal Suárez. >>

Homenaje a Robert Farber
Until October 31, the Echo Fine Arts gallery, on the French Riviera, exhibits “50 years of evolving vision – Part 1”, by the renowned American artist Robert Farber (1944, Newark, New Jersey, USA).

With a career spanning more than 50 years and more than half a million copies of his books sold, Farber's painterly photography style has influenced generations of photographers. His impressionistic artworks capture the essence of composition in all genres. >>

We asked our readers to send in their best pictures on the theme of "reflections". Here is a selection of the photographs we received from around the world. >>

Ronaldo Cunha Dias, Brazilian surgeon and caricaturist
He presents us with his excellent book "Laughing doesn't hurt" >>

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